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Sunday, June 10, 2007

Specialized Stormtrooper - Sandtrooper

Sandtroopers or Desert Stormtroopers are specially trained divisions of Imperial Stormtroopers equipped with modified armor and equipment to withstand the harsh climates of desert planets like Tatooine. Though their armor is similar to that of a regular Stormtrooper, their suits contain advanced cooling systems, which offers better protection from the relentless heat than standard Stormtrooper armor. Their helmets contain lenses that automatically polarize to protect the trooper's eyes, as well as breathing filters. Another notable difference is the shoulder pauldron each Sandtrooper wears. These are used to denote rank.
  • The Squad Leader: wearing an orange pauldrons.
  • The Sergeant: wearing a white pauldrons.
  • The Corporal: wearing a black pauldrons.
Additionally, Sandtroopers can operate in hot, wet, tropical environments with slight modifications to their equipment. They are also protected from sand entering the armor.
The weapon loadout for Sandtroopers is much the same as Stormtroopers and includes the standard
E-11 blaster rifle or a BlasTech DLT-19 Heavy Blaster Rifle or a BlasTech T-21 Light Repeating Blaster, blaster pistol and Imperial Repeater. They may also carry thermal detonators and other explosive devices.
Due to environments that may be too hostile to machinery, Sandtroopers tend to rely on local domesticated creatures, such as the
Dewback, as transport.

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